Case files and Android apps!

A bit of a late announcement for several releases. Let us begin with a quick overview of Case Files for Grim Noir RPG:

  • Unsolved Cases : A collection of six case files for Grim Noir RPG. Each case can be run either as separate short sessions or used as a base for longer campaigns. Released 01/2022.
  • Holiday Spirits : A case file with a touch of Christmas: Santa is accused of a theft, and the players work to prove his innocence. Released 12/2021.
  • Dead-End Murder : An example detective style case for a session of Grim Noir RPG, designed to introduce new players to the game and its world. Released 10/2021.

And finally, let us continue on to Bliaron 2nd Edition mobile app release for Android. The app features an advanced character generator, greatly improved from the online character sheet, characters saving, loading and sharing, compatible with online character sheet, as well as a fully featured spell creator and an overview of the game rules.